Sunday, February 20, 2011

Brayden's 8 Month Update

I am so amazed at the lil man that you are becoming and I cannot hardly believe that you turned 8 months on Wednesday! These past 8 months have been so completely amazing and you are just the sweetest little boy ever!! It is becoming more and more harder to believe that you are learning all these new things and your daddy and I are just floored that you are starting to walk along the couch and other furniture. You are so amazed by everything and have yet to meet a stranger. You are becoming a momma's boy, even though it pains your daddy so...but in my defense you said "Dada" first!

-You pull yourself up and walk along the furniture and the cabinets
-You are starting to lift your arm up when people say "Bye Bye" I think it is registering
-You take at least 2 naps a day..depending on if your schedule isn't messed up
-Your in 6 to 9 month clothes
-You get 4-7 to 7.5 ounce bottles a day
-Your beginning to hold your sippee cup a little better
-Still no teeth, but we have been trying new finger foods beans, banana pieces and toast
-You are the most cuddly baby in the world and I absolutely love it
-You have a smile for everyone
-You are momma's little helper with the laundry and you follow me everywhere when the vacuum is out

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