Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Brayden's 5 Month Update

It is official Brayden is a mover and a shaker!! He is so alert to all of his surroundings and is a bundle of craziness. We believe he is between 15 and 16 pounds, we will know for sure when he goes back for his 6 month well baby check. This last month has brought us so much joy in watching him grow and change and we can't wait for what is in store in the upcoming months!

-You have outgrown most of your 3 month clothing
-You are sleeping thru the night..only waking a up a few times for paci
-You are sitting up all by yourself
-Mornings are still your most happiest time
-You love you fruits, except for prunes
-You can really move around in your walker..and torment the dog at the same time
-Learning to crawl is becoming your biggest mission at the moment
-You are very talkative
-You are a BIG flirt