Sunday, June 13, 2010

39 Weeks

Well we have made it to 39 weeks and this will be the last photo that we post as me preggers!! We had our weekly appointment on Friday and everything thing looks great, Brayden was up in size to 6lbs 11oz! She speeded up my dialation process a little and we then we discussed if he wasn't here over the weekend then we would go into the hospital on Tuesday morning for induction!! YAY!!!! We have been so ready for the day to get here and with all the other crazy things that have been going on..we consider it such a blessing!

Brad and I cannot believe that by the end of this week we will be holding our precious son!! We can't wait to meet you William Brayden!! :)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

38 Weeks

Wow!! Brad and I cannot believe that Brayden will here only in 11 days! The time has really flown by these last few weeks. We had another Dr's appt on Friday and learned that I am 90% effaced and 1 cm dialated!! So we are hoping when we head back there this week that I am more....praying really hard!! Now all I have to do is the last minute things finishing packing my hospital bag, the car seat is in and ready to go and I am just praying I haven't forgotten anything.

My family did have one special blessing over the holiday new baby cousin was brought into the world on May 31st!! She was 7 weeks early, but I just figure she wanted and very Grand Entrance!! Chloe Jane was 3lbs and 13ozs and 17 inches long and is doing wonderfully!! Now all of the family is just waiting on me and Brayden!! We will be sure to let you know if Brayden decides to grace us with his presence any earlier! :)