Monday, May 16, 2011

Brayden's 11 Month Update

I cannot believe that in exactly one month you will turn ONE!! You are growing and changing so much into this hyper active sweet little boy. This past month alone you have changed so much and we are just amazed by you everyday! Here are just some of the things you have been up to...

-Your still in size 3 diapers
-Your wearing 6 to 12 month clothes
-Sleeping in your crib all night is getting a lot better
-Your still happiest in the morning
-Still holding strong with the 2 teeth
-You love veggies more than meat
-You love nutri grain bar pieces, pancakes, strawberries, corn, raisin bread, cheese and brown beans
-You are becoming more independent when it comes to like to feed yourself
-Only 2 bottles a day..morning and night and we are hoping to phase out the morning bottle soon
-Your understanding of things is becoming a whole lot clearer to you
-Not only are you WALKING...but you are RUNNING
-Bath time is your favorite and you know exactly when it is time to splash around
-Still haven't said momma, but I am waiting patiently

Here are some photos of you this morning:

We are getting ready for your 1st birthday and it has been a blast to plan all the fun! I know you won't remember it, but I know that you will enjoy seeing the memories when you are older!! :)