Sunday, May 30, 2010

37 weeks

What can I say except in 20 days or less we will meet our sweet little Brayden! The past few weeks have been an emotional roller coaster. My stomach has been on the fritz with some sorta bug for the past 2 weeks and it comes and goes when it likes. My blood pressure starts out low in the morning and shoots up in the afternoon to late evening which gave us a scare and the doctor cut me to only working 5 hour days! All in all things with Brayden have been good his heart rate is in the 130s and he is now up to 6 pounds! Brad and I are now just counting down the days until we get to meet our sweet little boy!! We head back to the doctor on Wednesday and hopefully we will have made some progress and we will be sure to keep you updated! :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Our Maternity Shoot

Well about 2 weeks ago Brad and I had the pleasure of doing a maternity shoot with a wonderful photographer Beth Ann Lugar! We had so much fun with all of the things that we could do and it was so nice to just relax and have some fun. She came out to our house where we did shots in Brayden's nursery and outside..she made it so comfortable and easy!! Thank you again Beth Ann for these wonderful pictures and we can't wait for Brayden to get here so you can meet him!! :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

34 Weeks

WOW!! What a last couple of couple of weeks! Things have been so crazy with Brayden and doctors appointments I can barely keep up. I cannot believe that we only have 38 more days until lil man gets here. So let me just give you a small update of what things have been like the past 2 weeks. I was seen at the doctor back on April 30th for a normal ultrasound and check up and we noticed that the ultrasound tech was paying close attention to Brayden's heart, but at the time didn't think anything of it until they wanted me to do a stress test. I started freaking out of course because I had no clue what was going on...finally after 30 minutes the doctor came in and told us that she noticed he had a small arrhythmia of his heart. Naturally I go straight for the worst, but after two doctors appointments later and a trip to a peds cardiologist..I feel much better! He reassured us that this is something common that sometimes does show up weather it be in early or late pregnancy. He told us more than likely it could go away before he is born or after. Brad and I felt so much better after hearing those words..he just put our minds at ease that it was nothing to worrying about!! So now we are back to our regular OBGYN appointments, but twice a week until further notice. We are also happy to report that his weight is now up to 4lbs 6oz and he has exellent bloodflow and a healthy heartrate!

Although, Brad and I have been completely overwhelmed the past couple of weeks, we have also felt blessed with our wonderful family and friends with their warm thoughts and prayers! We don't know how we would have gotten through these past few weeks without them! We head back to the doctor tomorrow and we hope to keep reporting only good news. Thank you again for all your wonderful thoughts and prayers!! :)