Wednesday, April 28, 2010

32 Weeks

I am a little late with posting this, but so much has been going on. Brad and I went back to the doctor last Friday for my 32 week check up. We got to see lil man and that made everything so much better! We learned that he is head down, weighs about 3lbs and some odd ounces, his blood flow was good..which made us very excited!! We didn't get to see our doctor, so going over the birth plan was a bust. But we did learn from the doctor that my abdomen is not as big as they would like it to be...eekk! So until further notice I am heading to the doctor every they can monitor my fluid and my placenta. She also told me that it had nothing to do with my weight gain that was fine as far as eating or not eating enough, so Brad has been constantly watching me.

On some other notes...sleep has definitely become more of a challenge. I still have not really had any odd cravings...except I love cereal in the mornings..can't get enough of it! We having rushing to get things done around the house since Brad starts his 24 hour shifts on May 1st, so there will something else to get use to before Brayden gets here. Well that is all for now..I will be sure to post this weekend after we head back to the doctor. :)

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