Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Brayden's 14 Month Update

Sorry for the loss of blogging over the past month things have been a little crazy in this household. We spent a majority of July at the lake house, so packing and unpacking and organizing and cleaning have been at the top of my to list for the past few weeks. Brayden on the other hand is growing like a weed...he is so amazing and we are so blessed to have this precious little boy in our lives!

Since his 12 month posting he has been a busy boy....

He is still in size 3 diapers except for at night he is in size 4

Still wearing 9 to 12 month clothes...he is much taller than wider

We are blessed that he sleeps all night in his own bed and maybe wakes up once....he still naps twice a day usually about 2 hours each time.

Brayden is beginning to show a lot more emotion...he hugs his stuffed animals and gives kisses to us but he can also show his angry side too.

He is starting to show more interest in books and actually wanting to sit down and really look at than just swat  the pages.

He gets no greater enjoyment than finding something on the tables around the house that he can reach and play with! He loves to climb on anything and he is managing the couch quite well.

He is not big on his words right now..but he understands a lot. Like when we tell him "No" or "Bath" he runs straight to the bathroom door, he will go get something from his room like his blankie or a stuffed animal when you ask him too. He also will point to things like his cup when we say drink or his paci. So we know he communicating and understanding the things he is learning.

He is also has 6 teeth now and loves to show them off!!

We Love You B!!

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